My Eee is Ordered!!!

January 31, 2008

Today I ordered my Eee from J&R. I decided to go with the black 4G model (701). It is being shipped via UPS ground, so I will have to wait for a few days before I receive it. The hardest part now is the waiting…but that is all part of the fun, right?! Soon I will be able to start working and playing on my very own Eee! Suh-WEET!


Which Color?

January 29, 2008

After doing some research, I’ve eliminated the Surf models, so am left with the 4G in either Pearl White or Galaxy Black. At first I was planning on getting the black model, but after having watched a lot of reviews and looked at quite a few pics of the white model, it’s beginning to grow on me. Which ones do you guys prefer?

Galaxy Black
Pearl White


January 29, 2008

Welcome to Eeelife! Eeelife is a blog for anyone interested in the ASUS Eee PC. Currently I do not own an Eee, but that should be changing in the very near future. My impressions, experiences and any tips or tricks that I pick up along the way will be published here. I plan on testing different Linux distros on the Eee, testing different hardware and software on it, and generally putting all my Eee experiences on the web for people like yourself to read. Look for more information soon.