What Do You Want To Know?

What kind of reviews or information do you want to know about the Eee?  I plan on doing as many reviews and tutorials as possible and as time allows, but would like some ideas on what other people want to know.  Do you have any concerns or worries about the device?  Are you thinking about buying one but have a couple of unanswered questions?  Let me know and I’ll see what I can do.  I am planning on enabling the advanced mode very soon and then on to different linux distros, so if you have any questions about the default setup be sure to let me know.

2 Responses to What Do You Want To Know?

  1. Arjen says:

    Hi Derek,

    I enjoy reading your articles on the Eee PC! I’m thinking of buying the 9″ version when it becomes available here (Netherlands) as a small laptop for on the go and on the couch.

    So here’s what I’d like to know:

    – Can you dual boot the original and fast “Easy Mode” and your own installed OS like Debian or eeeXubuntu? And can they share files between them? This way you could boot into Easy mode for a quick note or so, and boot into “full mode” for more serious work.
    – How fast does your Debian install boot on the Eee?
    – Do you find you can comfortably work on the Eee for a few hours? Would you consider it a serious alternative to a laptop?
    – Do you have any experience running virtualization software on it, e.g. VirtualBox or VMWare? Would that be a workable way to run Win XP for occasional use?

    Hope you can answer some of my questions!


  2. Bill says:

    I was curious as how easie they are to upgrade. My concerns are about the memory and solid state hard drive being easily upgraded.

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