The Advanced Desktop

February 18, 2008

Changing over to the Advanced desktop on the Eee is not really a big deal.  I’m still a linux newbie, but can get around with the CLI (command line interface) okay.  I’ve found the following steps to be an easy way to launch the Advanced desktop:

1) Make sure that you are connected to the internet

2) Open a terminal window by typing Ctrl + Alt + t (this should bring up a new window)

3) Type sudo apt-get update and hit Enter

4) Type sudo apt-get install kmserver kicker and hit Enter

5) Hit the power button or click on the shutdown icon in the lower left corner of the screen

6) On the restart menu select Advanced (I think it says “Advanced”…I’m doing this from memory as I now have a new distro installed on my Eee…more on that later)

Here’s the Eee’s Advanced desktop



 The default Advanced desktop


The Advanced desktop menu system


The Advanced desktop with the taskbar hidden (to save screen real estate)

The Easy Desktop

February 16, 2008

Here are screenshots from the six main tabs on the default Xandros desktop for the Eee. They are Internet, Work, Learn, Play, Settings, and Favorites. This is known as the Easy desktop for the Eee and I have to admit is pretty good for what it is. If the majority of an Eee user’s time was to be spent in word processing or on the internet, this interface will allow them to do those things very easily.





